Sean Mohn
Sean Mohn has extensive direct project management experience, multi-disciplinary teaming experience, and public process experience on major national and international transit-oriented (TOD) development projects, mixed-use commercial development projects, and multi-phased theme park, entertainment, and studio production master planning projects, including comprehensive efforts for Universal Studios Hollywood, Paramount Pictures Studios, Warner Bros., Sony Pictures Studios, Hackman Capital, and Dubai Parks and Resorts.
Sean has also prepared comprehensive site access and circulation studies, conceptual design studies, shared parking and empirical parking demand studies, neighborhood and corridor studies, and alternative mobility and transportation demand management studies for major office and mixed used developments, entertainment and studio productions facilities, stadia and event centers, regional shopping and entertainment centers, military and state facilities, schools and universities, cities and public agencies, and residential neighborhoods and communities throughout Southern California, Hawaii, China, and the United Arab Emirates, including focused efforts for the Irvine Company (Fashion Island, Tustin Marketplace, and Irvine Spectrum), Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, LA Live, The Hollywood Bowl, Netflix, Dodger Stadium, Levi’s Stadium, Anaheim Stadium, Westfield, Shea Properties (The Collection at Riverpark), Los Angeles World Airports (LAX), the City of Los Angeles, the City of Burbank, the City of Santa Monica, the City of Brea, and the United States Navy (Pearl Harbor) and United States Marine Corps. (Camp H.M. Smith).
Prior to graduating from the University of Missouri, Kansas City with a degree in Geography, Sean was selected for the prestigious National Geographic internship program in Washington, D.C., one of approximately 20 students chosen annually. After completing his internship, Sean continued to work for National Geographic as a cartographer, collaborating on maps to illustrate and complement articles in National Geographic magazine, as well as books and other publications

Principal, Director of Parking,
TDM, and Mobility