University of Southern California
GTC provides a variety of transportation planning, parking, and entitlement services for the University of Southern California (USC) at its University Park and Health Sciences campuses. Assignments have included traffic impact analyses, parking management plans, shared parking analyses, parking demand surveys, responses to Environmental Impact Report (EIR) comments, street vacation support, traffic mitigation implementation support, neighborhood traffic management, support for roadway classification modifications through general plan amendments, traffic signal warrant analyses, signal phasing modification support, and pedestrian and bicycle facility analyses. GTC has obtained approval for multiple pedestrian “scramble” crossings at both campuses based on various technical justifications depending on location. We work closely with the planning and architectural teams to develop the plans for the projects and with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, and the California Department of Transportation on the implementation of campus improvements.
GTC has assisted USC on the development of Master Plans for both campuses and has been involved in short-range and long-range parking and traffic issues. We prepared the traffic and parking sections of EIRs for on-campus projects and we are working with USC staff and public agency staff on the implementation of the early Master Plan projects.
At the University Park campus, GTC recently completed crosswalk and multi-modal mobility and safety studies that reviewed pedestrian, bicycle, skateboard, scooter, and vehicular traffic at key congestion points, street crossings, and busy pedestrian areas near the center of campus. GTC reviewed busy crossings on or near the campus and recommended crosswalk treatments, curb cuts, pedestrian scramble crossings, and other mitigations to improve safety at the crossings. GTC reviewed USC policies related to various modes of travel and parking on campus to identify recommended revisions and/or enforcement (in consultation with USC representatives) at locations with highest levels of mobility conflict. This involved collection of multi-modal traffic volume data at peak times, review of key paths of travel within the campus, and detailed recommendations for improvement and enforcement measures. Additionally, GTC helped develop pedestrian-only zones and reviewed bicycle parking locations considered to be problematic and recommended improvements where available.
At the Health Sciences Campus, GTC traffic and parking impact studies for Currie Hall and Student Housing Phase II, as well as the Hyatt Hotel project, and assisted in site planning and access development, roadway modifications to facilitate an easily walkable campus, and evaluation of trip generation and parking demand. We also analyzed the effects of separating inpatient and outpatient circulation, which involved closing existing access points, extending an internal roadway, creating a new main entrance for the hospital, and revised pick-up and drop-off operations. GTC also provided traffic consultation for the Beautification Project.
GTC continues to provide ongoing consulting for both campuses.