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Hollywood Central Park

GTC prepared traffic, parking and circulation studies for the proposed Hollywood Central Park, an approximately 44-acre park and recreational facility constructed above the US 101 freeway on an engineered deck and support structure. The park would be built in the air space above US 101, creating a partial cap over the existing freeway between Bronson Avenue and Santa Monica Boulevard. The park is anticipated to include landscaped open space, multi-purpose fields, active and passive pedestrian lawns, small retail facilities and kiosks, restaurants, performance venues, amphitheater, community center, viewing platform, plazas, dog parks, and interactive community areas, among others.

GTC conducted studies to evaluate and identify potential impacts associated with the project, including evaluation of vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian site access and circulation issues, review of traffic at key intersections, roadways and freeway segments, assessment of construction traffic and recommendations for transportation improvement measures. GTC, working with the multidisciplinary project team throughout the environmental review process, consulted with several City agencies and jurisdictions, including Caltrans.

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