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Dubai Parks and Resorts ™

GTC managed the transportation and parking planning effort and assisted the design team with the development of site plan alternatives for Dubai Parks and Resorts, a themed entertainment resort district consisting of multiple theme parks, several hotels, and several million square feet of retail, dining, and entertainment space located south of Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, approximately eight kilometers from the Abu Dhabi border.

We worked closely with the project team throughout the comprehensive master planning design effort to develop detailed mode split assumptions, trip generation estimates, parking demand estimates, and tram capacity requirements for each phase of the development. We also identified the internal and external roadway and transit improvements that would be needed to support the site access and circulation requirements for the resort district during each phase of development.

This comprehensive endeavor included several site visits and work sessions in Dubai with the project team and Dubai transportation officials and staff, as well as an extensive data collection and multi-modal analysis effort, the detailed results of which were documented in a detailed report presenting our findings and recommendations.

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