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Dodger Stadium

When the Los Angeles Dodgers organization announced its intention to renovate and improve the entire stadium complex, GTC joined the project design team to help develop a phased multi-modal transportation improvement plan that would meet both the aesthetic and operational needs of the facility. On-site parking, vehicular, pedestrian, and transit access and circulation improvements were designed as part of this effort.

In addition to the on-site improvements, GTC also reviewed the off-site traffic circulation and the Dodgers Stadium Express operation in detail in order to develop a comprehensive strategy to improve the overall arrival and departure experience for all Dodgers fans. New transit routes, transit signing and way-finding, regional access, pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, traffic control equipment upgrades, and vehicular loading and unloading operational measures continue to be vetted as part of this effort. The first phase of improvements were completed in time for the 2013 baseball season. With the help of LADOT and Metro, the second phase of improvements was implemented throughout the 2014 baseball season.

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